To: Michelle Wu, President, At-Large, Michael Flaherty, At-Large, Annissa Essaibi George, At-Large, Ayanna Pressley, At-Large, Salvatore LaMattina, D1, Bill Linehan, D2, Frank Baker, D3, Andrea Campbell, D4, Timothy McCarthy, D5, Matt O'Mall...

Recognize Indigenous Peoples Day in Boston

We call on the Boston City Council to pass a resolution declaring Indigenous Peoples Day on the second Monday of October.

Why is this important?

All over the country and throughout the Americas, cities and towns are ending the celebration of Columbus. He was certainly not a hero, nor did he “discover” a continent that was already inhabited by many millions of Indigenous Peoples. Columbus and his men were responsible for the rape, murder and enslavement of countless Native people. It’s time for Boston to join Cambridge, Seattle, Denver, Albuquerque and many other cities and recognize Indigenous Peoples Day!

Since the 1970s, Indigenous Peoples from throughout the Americas have sought to have Indigenous Peoples Day declared in October in place of Columbus Day. We consider it a first step in recognizing the genocide of millions of Indigenous people and the theft of their lands that began with the arrival of Columbus.

Indigenous Peoples Day is much more than a name change. It is a refusal to allow the genocide of Indigenous Peoples to go unremembered. It is also an initial step in honoring and reconciling with present-day Native Peoples who live in and near Boston. Commemorating Indigenous Peoples Day on the second Monday in October is a recognition that we need to stop honoring false heroes such as Columbus and start honoring the Native Peoples on whose land we live and walk.

For more information and the draft resolution visit: