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Recognize the contributions of women in beer history.

In the Cicerone courses and recommended reading materials the contributions of women are almost completely erased. This needs to be addressed and fixed. 

The fix is simple and easy. All we need to do is include one book on the recommended reading list, and the relevant information contained within the book added to the current courses.

There was a book published that documents and acknowledges the contributions that women have made to the history of beer. For some reason, every single man at the Cicerone Certification Organization has refused to acknowledge that the book exists. That book is Tara Nurin's "A Woman's Place Is in the Brewhouse: A Forgotten History of Alewives, Brewsters, Witches and CEOs".

If admitted to the curriculum, it would fill in the blanks and correct many of the wrong assumptions that the beer industry has been led to believe because of omissions and falsehoods concerning the important roles that women have played in beer history.

For far too long, people have been led to believe that women have not been a part of beer's history, and that has shaped the way women are currently treated in the industry. 

This needs to be fixed. We have the money, we have the time and we have the resources. It is more than just an academic necessity, it is a moral imperative.

In the current curriculum and recommended materials there are a number of books that are out of print, outdated and that promote sexism and homophobic ideals. There are a number of books on their lists that advise you to do things that are dangerous and could lead to a person's death. A large number of these dangerous, and extinct books could be revised and removed due to their lack of meaningful contributions.

In their place we can add Tara Nurin's book to bridge the gaps in our education. This may not do much to fix the inequities in our male-centric histories, but it is a start. People only know what we teach them. Let's start teaching them that not only do women exist, but they invented beer. Without women, any beer education is incomplete. Let's give people a chance to see the truth!

We must not allow the major cultural, scientific and historical contributions that women have made to be forgotten.

Why is this important?

Without your support the forgotten women in beers beautiful and diverse history will remain forgotten. 


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