As LAUSD Stakeholders and Supporters we agree that a new teacher cohort should come from and be encouraged to live in our diverse school communities.
We agree that teachers should be culturally literate, pedagogically strong, and well-supported by LAUSD.
This resolution creates mentorships and apprenticeships for ongoing teacher learning. These opportunities are important for all teachers, but especially so for those who need specific skill sets to ensure high-quality outcomes for our children.
We urge a YES vote on January 14, because this resolution respects our students and the educators who dedicate their careers to them.
Why is this important?
In my experience, the personal connection between teacher and student is a powerful means of motivation and learning. LAUSD has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to meet the needs of low-income students of color by recruiting and training culturally and linguistically skilled teachers who will make their careers in our classrooms. Let’s attack disparity and the achievement gap right now!