To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Recycling and schools

Our school Children have been taught that recycling is good for the enviroment and our schools generate millions of tons everyday. Its time that cities pay the schools for what they generate during these hard times of budget cuts to education. As school districts cut jobs , demand furlow days from those who serve our children, there are those who use the resourses that schools generate each day with no thought of creating cash flow back to schools to fund them. Its time to stand up and show the children that the enviromental life they save for the planet is really connected to the world they live in and those who help them succeed. Companies are taking advantage of schools in the name of enviromentalism. Who Gains ? The children and schools or recycling centers. Schools should be rewarded for saving the planet which they have been taught to save each day. Please sign the petition asking the govenor Brown to bring the money back to schools by creating a system that monitors these resources thru the department of education and the direction of funding with regard to resource management of the recycling process. Bring the money back to the school budgets and save education.

Why is this important?

Schools generate tons of recyclable material and should reap the benifits and there not getting a cent.