To: The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

Red Friday: Nationwide Strikes for Retail

Those who have signed this petition support a strike for RETAIL WORKERS starting on BLACK FRIDAY in protest of unlivable federal minimum wages.

Red Friday calls for all workers of retail to abandon work and go on strike throughout the holiday season until congressional support for a federal $15 minimum wage is garnered.

Red Friday also pertains to this year's midterm elections. After this year's midterm, those who feel that election results are unjust representations of national sentiments should sign this petition in support of a retail worker's strike across the holiday season.

Why is this important?

Many who are disheartened by the state of our country and the state of our governing bodies and market structure feel lost. Many of us feel that our votes don't make a difference, especially with news of massive voter suppression efforts such as is happening now in Georgia, or of the Russian interference in our presidential election and the willingness of an entire political party to comply.

Many of us don't know how to make an impact beyond posting our political opinions on social media. THIS IS THE UNDERLYING MOTIVATION FOR RED FRIDAY.

Red Friday is an event with dual intentions. The primary goal of Red Friday is to bolster support for an elevated minimum wage. The secondary goal of Red Friday is to express national distrust in the government and market structure across the United States by disrupting corporate profiteering through economic disobedience.
