To: Dr. Elizabeth Celania-Fagen -, Superintendent, The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, and Governor Jared Polis

Reduce or eliminate refined sugars in public schools

American children in this generation are expected to live shorter lives than their parents, largely because one third of them will develop type 2 diabetes, a preventable disease linked to obesity, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Sugar is allowed in schools for birthday treats, rewards for good behavior, school lunches, and school functions and fundraisers. In some cases, a school function will include cotton candy, lollipops, cookies, cakes, and candy in order to raise money for the school.

Sugar causes lowered immune system function, extreme behavior in ADHD children, poor concentration, increased obesity, and increased candidae in the body. It is also addictive so that when a child has some their bodies crave more.

Why is this important?

I am starting this petition I am unhappy by how much sugar is allowed and encouraged in the schools. My mother recently died from diabetes complications and I witnessed the results of a high sugar, low nutrition intake. No child should be encouraged to have ill health. Schools should instead create a statewide policy of eating healthy snacks, enjoying vegetables and finding it fun to bring healthy treats to school. Everyone benefits when you change the foods that are allowed in the schools to ones that are good for a child's overall health.