To: President Donald Trump, The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, Governor Tim Walz, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Refinancing existing mortgages with no risk to the banks
Require banks to refinance existing mortgages to the new, lower rates in the 3% range when there is no risk of loss for them. Let's help homeowners afford their mortgages. Require them to consider severance and unemployment as income, along with any other legitimate forms of income.
Why is this important?
Home owners today are encouraged to refinance their mortgages to the new, lower rates in the 3% range. I am a homeowner with a 30 year near perfect credit rating and a 30 year exemplary work history. My job was eliminated due to a corporate global restructure. I have been denied the lower interest rate even though I am not even close to being underwater (I made a substantial down payment). Most people takes jobs at a lower wage once they get a new job, or some are boomers (that's me) hoping to embark on a second career which requires going back to school to learn something new. It makes no sense at all for banks to deny a refinance as they already have a loan with me. I am not a new risk, I'm not even a credit risk. Banks say they do not consider severance pay as income, unless you are an executive and get a 3 year severance package, and they do not consider unemployment as income, nor will they consider money saved in a 401IK Plan as collateral. This is unfair. Banks have used my tax dollars for their bail out and they should be required to refinance existing mortgages when their is no risk of loss to them. Fact is, banks make money off of foreclosing on people, so rather than help homeowners, thereby helping the USA to get out of this recession, they lay in wait like vultures. Sign my petition and let's require banks to refinance mortgages when it can be proved that there is no risk of loss for them.