To: The California State Senate and Governor Gavin Newsom

Reform Minimum Wage Law

Reform minimum wage salary structures in small businesses. When businesses thrive, it's a good thing. We all love to hear that. But when they thrive on the backs of mostly minimum wage workers and only a few salaried managers doing back-flips to make it happen, they no longer represent an opportunity for growth for all but a plain system of exploitation in favor of a few. Limit the number of minimum wage salaries and length of time any one worker can be employed at such a rate in a small business in California.

Why is this important?

For years I worked as a kitchen manager supervising up to 15 mostly minimum wage employees. This type of dynamic is very common in California and is a great way for business owners to reap major profits with very low overheads. Unfortunately, most minimum wage workers are paid the same rate for years while dutifully and loyally perform whatever is required of them to reach payday. Give honest and dutiful workers a chance to grow in their profession and a chance to thrive in our society by proposing a tier structured salary framework for small businesses in California.