To: President Donald Trump, The North Carolina State House, The North Carolina State Senate, Governor Roy Cooper, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Reforming Nation's Eye Screening for Pre-K & Teens

"Help bring this VIP Vision Technology to the forefront for the Benefit of the Nation's Preverbal & Pre-K at-risk Children."

Why is this important?

It's about break through 'new' technology that can diagnose and detect eye refractions and VIP disease within Preverbal infants 6-months and older within a second! The majority of educational data that is mentally recorded is pre-conceived by the eyes. As a seasoned advocate for children's issues, I find this project most critical in regaining our academic edge on a world level. We're currently doing math and reading at #27 globally. While our penal systems are over crowding with young adults hampered by long undiagnosed eye refractions that have crippled them for life! Figure for yourself how this underestimated health/educational issue contributes to our social and economic demise nation-wide!