To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Regulate against price gouging at hospitals

Given that people don't really have a choice about being a customer of a hospital and the selection of which hospital to go to is usually not something people can make, it is unfair to overcharge.

The reason medical costs are as high as they are is largely because of this overcharging. The profits mainly go to CEOs and upper management of the providing companies. Products are often marked up many times their actual cost. The ability for a company to gouge the consumer in this way should be illegal.

60% of personal bankruptcies are due to health care costs. We must protect the people from this kind of price gouging and save the country from the detrimental effects of this greed.

Why is this important?

I have been billed $20,000.00 per night at a hospital for their facilities charge. That does not include the anesthesia or the surgery. In his recent Time article, Steven Brill explains the reasons for the exorbitant bills. About 60% of personal bankruptcies are due to health care cost. The price gouging is not only unfair but immoral.