1. Require that guns be registered to individual owners, who must always pass a background check. An exception can be made for shooting ranges, retailers, etc., for guns which do not leave the premises.
2. Require anyone who owns, carries, or uses a gun to be trained in its use, and issue gun operators' licenses for those who have been trained. This should include passing a standardized test on gun safety, a skills test on the proper maintenance and use of a gun, and a basic vision test.
3. Require that all guns must pass a safety inspection every several years.
4. Require that all licensed gun operators must pass the written, skills, and vision test, and background check, every several years.
Why is this important?
As a mother of two children, I'm frustrated by the all-or-nothing rhetoric around gun control and Second Amendment rights. I believe that we can and should make our lives safer by regulating gun ownership in a way similar to how we regulate car ownership. I do not consider these any great threat to our Second Amendment rights. These programs could be paid for with their own registration and licensing fees.