To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Regulate gun ownership through general licensing program

Overhaul the broken federal gun control model to operate on a license based system like the drivers license. Instate requirements for a background check, basic psychological evaluation, and safety training, with endorsements required to own and use different types of weapons.

Why is this important?

The American gun control system is broken. The debate on gun control is divisive and little is being accomplished. Laws are being passed in some areas that restrict gun ownership, but don't prevent mass shootings. In other areas, good laws are being repealed like training requirements in order to carry concealed firearms. I propose that a new system be instated that requires citizens to obtain license, like a driver's license, before being able to purchase any firearm, or enter any establishment, event, or website where firearms or ammunition are commonly sold. Requirements to obtain such a license would be a basic psychological evaluation, federal background check, firearms safety, proper storage, maintenance, and skills training, subsidized out of the national defense budget. This would significantly encourage responsibility among firearms owners and, if coupled by a firearms buyback program conducted at the federal level, would also significantly reduce the number of firearms in circulation in the United States.
