To: President Donald Trump and Governor Matt Bevin

Regulate Marijuana

I am a human being, and it's HIGH time I get treated like one! The people are rising up, you are either with us, or out in the cold.

Why is this important?

Regulate Marijuana as Alcohol. Remove it from the Schedule 1 controlled substance list. Anyone whom is an adult has the innate human right to ingest in their own bodies whatever they see fit. Aside from the morality of the issue legalizing marijuana and stopping the aimless drug wars would save the country billions every year. Medicinally marijuana has proven to be effective in the treatmeant of neuropathic pain among other things. This all amount to an intrusion of privacy into the individual lives and freedoms of the citizens. Anyone over 21 with an ID should be allowed to purchase marijuana. The case for the legalization of all drugs should be made as well. If you understand supply and demand you under stand that where there is a demand there will be a supply. Whether it be heroine sold at A licensed pharmacy that could at least be checked for purity and properly dosed, or it be meth made in a lab in the mobile home by untrained individuals dumping who knows what kind of chemicals in the mixture any of which could be potentially fatal. An addict will get his fix; Legalized Heroine or street corner drug deals. It matters not. The thing is folks, this is America, and as odd as it sounds you have the right to be an addict assuming you harm only yourself. I complete overhaul of drug policy is needed along with a new style of rehabilitation. The prisons need to be cleared of these non violent marijuana offenders and our tax money need be spent elsewhere.
