To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Reinstate and Enforce the Fairness Doctrine

The People of the United States of America deserve news and public interest news coverage to be fair and factual. We therefore insist on the reinstatement and enforcement of the Fairness Doctrine and ample and appropriate funding so that the regulating body has the resources needed to adequately research and enforce the Fairness Doctrine.

Why is this important?

The Fairness Doctrine calls for News media to provide different perspectives on news that is of public interest. The FCC decided to eliminate it in 1987 under Reagan. Re-instated and enforced, this doctrine would probably mean the end of "News Entertainment" as propaganda machines. Opponents of reinstatement will try to tell you that there is too much media to try and enforce it all now, but more media is really the best argument for the Fairness Doctrine to be re-instated, not shirked from. You have a right to expect news to be news; not a propaganda machine!