To: Yusu Tanaka, President & CEO, AIMC-Berkeley and Erin Olinick, Director of Marketing & Communications

Reinstate Dennis von Elgg as our 2012 AIMC Graduation Faculty Speaker

We, the undersigned, call on President Tanaka to allow Dennis von Elgg full and unrestricted attendance to the 2012 AIMC Graduation. We also request that he be reinstated as the faculty speaker for the graduation ceremony, as he was voted on by the student body.

Why is this important?

Dennis von Elgg was nominated by the student body to be the faculty speaker at our 2012 Graduation ceremony. He accepted our nomination, but then the AIMC Administration decided to ignore the student body's vote. They have not only disregarded our vote to have Dennis speak at our graduation, but he will not even be attending the ceremony at the request of AIMC. We're calling on President Tanaka to reverse his decision and respect our vote as a student body.
