To: The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, Governor Kate Brown, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (OR-3), Sen. Ron Wyden (OR-1), and Sen. Jeff Merkley (OR-2)

Reinstate Emergency Unemploynent

The numbers of your constituents who depend on unemployment benefits (all tiers) in the economy that you broke are staggering. It is your job and responsibility , continue to improve on unemployment numbers and reinstate Emergency Unemployment Insurance right away.

Why is this important?

The cost of this program pails in comparison to spending in government in other areas. I'm unemployed but I am not a freeloader. I try every day to find a job and volunteer my time in my community. The economy isn't fixed yet and there are hundreds of us competing for the same poorly paying jobs. Food banks are running out of supplies. Resumes are fading to that yellowish color inside of dusty briefcases. I'd rather see the economy fixed, but until then, I just want to pay my mortgage, utilities. And for a bag of dried beans each week. What are your personal financial concerns?
