To: Office of Student Development, North Carolina A&T State University
The Impact of 30 Years: Null and Void
We, the Gospel Choir alumni, fellow NC A&T alumni, supporters and benefactors of the NC A&T Fellowship Gospel Choir, oppose the removal of Ron Jones and support his immediate reinstatement as Director or Senior/Executive Director of the NC A&T Fellowship Gospel Choir.
Why is this important?
After 30 years of outstanding service as the Director of the Award-winning North Carolina A&T State Gospel Choir (GC) and the recent Golden Anniversary celebration, Ron Jones was informed by the administration that he was “retiring”, effective immediately. The administration continued to insist that Ron chose to retire and have been vague when asked about the abruptness of the decision, only stating that the choir is heading in a “new direction”. Throughout this ordeal, Ron has maintained that he did not retire, nor did he tender a letter of resignation. Needless to say, this abrupt decision left the current gospel choir frustrated and confused, while the University sought to replace Ron. Although, we as alumni and supporters of the choir understand that the position has now been filled and that the current choir has resumed normal function, continuing its legacy, we want it to be known that the manner in which Mr. Jones was released was without cause, disrespectful and took no consideration into the 30 years of service that he has rendered, not just to the University, but the surrounding Greensboro community and the world. The way in which Mr. Jones was released, showed that the service and dedication that Ron rendered was completely disregarded by the University and subsequently showed that they did not care.
This type of action is not representative of the institution that we know and love.
This type of action does not constitute what "Aggies Do."
This type of action, in know way, exemplifies "Aggie Pride."
If you are in agreement, please join us.
This type of action is not representative of the institution that we know and love.
This type of action does not constitute what "Aggies Do."
This type of action, in know way, exemplifies "Aggie Pride."
If you are in agreement, please join us.