To: The Alabama State House, The Alabama State Senate, and Governor Kay Ivey

Reject Bill 191: Save Community Colleges!

Reject Bill 191. With keeping up with world growth, our citizens should be afforded the same opportunities of an education regardless of income restraints. This bill is not about helping Alabama citizens--it's about politicians gaining control!

Why is this important?

This bill would eliminate the whole post-secondary department that governs the Alabama two-year community college system and replace it with a board that is appointed by the governor.

This is nothing more than a way for politicians to get their hands on the Education Trust Fund, not to mention that it has the potential of turning all community colleges into technical schools, leaving underprivileged individuals no chance of an academia education, which will also result in thousands of educators to lose their jobs.

This is big slap in the face to both the citizens and staff of the way two-year college system across Alabama!
