To: Rep. David Schweikert (AZ-6)
Reject Grover Norquist's anti-tax pledge
Senator Flake, it's time to end Grover Norquist's iron hand hold on Congress. It's time for compromise and time to get our country moving forward. We ask you, Rep. Jeff Flake to publicly disavow your support of Mr. Norquit's failed lobbying.
Best wishes,
Citizens of Arizona
Best wishes,
Citizens of Arizona
Why is this important?
We've recently heard from folks in Arizona who believe that Senator Jeff Flake needs to publicly reject Grover Norquist's anti-tax pledge, which has created gridlock in Congress and prevents passing any responsible fiscal policy to grow the economy.
Tell Senator Flake to send Norquist packing, ending his choke hold on legislation.
Tell Senator Flake to send Norquist packing, ending his choke hold on legislation.