To: The United States House of Representatives
Reject Paul Ryan's Cruel Budget
Reject Paul Ryan's cruel budget and help fix our economy by investing in putting Americans back to work.
Why is this important?
Paul Ryan's newest budget plan -- a rehash of the plan Americans resoundingly rejected last year, but with even deeper cuts -- protects the wealthy while demanding sacrifice from those who can least afford it.
Ryan's plan privatizes Medicare. It slashes education, infrastructure and research funding. It makes it harder for poor Americans to afford health care by nearly cutting Medicaid in half by 2023.
And it does all that while giving big tax breaks to the very wealthiest Americans and maintaining our unsustainable military budget.
Congress must reject Paul Ryan's cruel budget and focus on helping the millions of Americans who are still struggling.
Ryan's plan privatizes Medicare. It slashes education, infrastructure and research funding. It makes it harder for poor Americans to afford health care by nearly cutting Medicaid in half by 2023.
And it does all that while giving big tax breaks to the very wealthiest Americans and maintaining our unsustainable military budget.
Congress must reject Paul Ryan's cruel budget and focus on helping the millions of Americans who are still struggling.