To: The World, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Release All Non-violent Drug Offenders from Prison and Reform Drug Laws Globally

The drug war around the globe hurts mostly poor people. Some struggling people use drugs to cope with their conditions, and the illicit drug trade (made profitable and brutal by its illegality and lack of regulation) is one of the only ways to make a living in very poor regions of the world. The departments that "fight" it like the DEA, FBI, police forces, militaries, etc. are only so invested in keeping drugs illegal so they can profit from their confiscation, court fees, and from squeezing poor people dry. 5 million people die from tobacco every year. It is legal, but almost unregulated, and that is why so many people die. The drug war is waged nearly around the globe, but we only have deaths on all sides to show for it. I believe we should legalize and regulate all drugs, and treat addiction as a health problem. Prison only perpetuates cycles of violence and abuse. Release those convicted of victimless crimes from prison. Don't tell people what to do and instead give everyone the opportunity and ability to survive. Then, they will do the right thing. The drug war is a war on people, not drugs.

Why is this important?

I have seen too many people suffer from radical drug laws and their brutal implementation.