To: Governor Doug Ducey

Release Leslie Merritt Jr. from Jail!

Stop the unjust incarceration of this young man, ripped from his little ones just to justify and satisfy our Governor Ducey after receiving heavy criticism for not having caught the I-10 shooter over the summer. Shootings have continued and the "evidence" has been changed so many times that nothing adds up, except Merritt's alibi's, which his lawyers are using to fight for his release as well!

Why is this important?

This petition is about the unjust incarceration of this young man, ripped from his little ones just to justify and satisfy our Governor after receiving heavy criticism for not having caught the I-10 shooter over the summer. Shootings have continued and the "evidence" has been changed so many times that nothing adds up, except Merritt's alibi's, which his lawyers are using to fight for his release as well!

**** I have been following this story ever since it started. I am a mother, a wife and creator of

I believe in fighting for your rights and helping those who cannot. Justice is not always fair and almost never affordable.

We have reached out to all news media locally and some national news agencies as well, in an attempt to get contact info. Myself along with a few others, some even out of the country, have rallied on social media ever since the beginning to try and get Leslie a fair bail as it was obvious to us that this was clearly a huge act of injustice!

Our social media page for support for Leslie is:

Please feel free to contact via his Facebook support page or through this platform. Thank you for any act of kindness and empathy as we try to gain support for Leslie so he can be with his family during the holidays!
