To: Mayor Alvin Brown, Mayor of Jacksonville FL

Release Local Artist Kevin "Chip" Southworth

Chip painted Keith Haring images on ugly silver traffic control boxes in the artsy community of San Marco and the city is stating that it now has 1,000 in damages. Locals want to see Chip released without any fines or jail time so he can continue to make those ugly silver boxes a piece of art in the community.

Why is this important?

"Chip Southworth is a lifelong resident of Jacksonville. He is a veteran of the U.S. Navy Presidential Guard and has always been very active in our community. He has worked with the Chamber, the City Council and the Cultural Council regarding his art. Some of his art is currently hanging in the Cummer Museum and he was recently commissioned by the City of Jacksonville to paint a portrait. His arrest and Jacksonville Sheriff's Office's further 'social media campaign,' including trying the case in social media and posting his mugshot, is irresponsible, if not unjust. The family's focus is on clearing his name and helping his wife through her ongoing treatment for breast cancer. The locals love the artwork. He is showing off a great artist who became famous in New York for his graffitti. Jacksonville desperately needs more color, cultural and character since we were just voted " most Ordinary City" Please release Chip and commission him to repaint the ugly large 3'x4'silver boxes (eye sores) around town. It is an enhancement to the artsy community of San Marco. Thank you.
