To: Ani Difranco, Karla Rice, Anna Kapechuk, and Righteous Babe Records

Relocate Ani Difranco's "Righteous Retreat" at Nottoway Plantation

Ani Difranco is hosting her four day music retreat of 200+ attendees at the Nottoway Plantation. This plantation makes $2.5-5 million/yr in tourism based on the justification of slavery. This former plantation is owned by The Paul Ramsey Group - ultimately owned by a racist white man who educates the public through lies and misconceptions about how "white masters and mistresses were good to 'them'" (black folks they called their property).

Why is this important?

As anti-racist feminists and members and allies of the black rights movement, we are asking you, Ani Difranco as well as Righteous Babe Records, PR/Marketing department (Anna Kapechuk) and Booking/Scheduling (Karla Rice), to change the location of your retreat or otherwise cancel the event and make an apology.
