To: Frank Darabont

Relocate production of AMC's "The Walking Dead" outside of Georgia following passage of legal dis...

The Georgia legislature just passed #HB757 or #FADA. The sweeping legislation would protect anyone who chooses to discriminate against the LGBT community, interracial couples, single mothers, divorced individuals, people having sex outside of marriage, and more. One Georgia lawmaker even proudly admitted the legislation would protect the Ku Klux Klan’s agenda. In a letter prior to the bill’s passage, Americans United for Separation of Church and State Legislative Director Maggie Garrett urged lawmakers to oppose the horrific legislation, pointing out that it would allow individuals, businesses, or even taxpayer-funded organizations to refuse services and benefits based on arbitrary objections to that person’s lifestyle choices, sexual orientation, socioeconimic status, and a number of other factors.

We are calling on the good people at AMC and "The Walking Dead" to immediately suspend production of the wildly popular television series and relocate all production, including pre and post, outside the borders of a state that chooses to live in the past with this shameful piece of legislation. The show has become iconic to the country, and a message must be sent to the entire state that this cannot and will not stand.

Why is this important?

#HB757 is a shameful piece of legislation that distorts the First Amendment of the United States Constitution to protect and cultivate organized hatred and private bigotry, creating an economic safe space for those wishing to promote hatred and intolerance. As it stands, the State of Georgia should not be rewarded by the residency of AMC's "The Walking Dead" nor should those connected with the show be associated with this kind of backwards ideology.
