To: Sonia Ossorio, President

Remake or break, NOW!

Is the leadership and membership of the National Organization of Women (NOW) racially and culturally diverse?

Why is this important?

Listed among NOW's priorities is ending racism and promoting diversity. However, they are seemingly a part of the patriarchal supremacist thought machine as they have alienated stay-at-home mothers; limited the number of women of color in leadership positions and as members and; had to be publicly embarrassed by their refusal to admit lesbians. It's difficult to understand the lack of diversity in a national organization for women. Where were they for Marissa Alexander, who was jailed and has faced decades in prison for protecting her children and herself from an abusive husband and a jaded judicial system? Where are they now for Bree Newsome and the 12-year-old girl whose ribs and jaw was broken by police officers? NOW has been asked and has yet to answer - "Is the leadership of NOW racially and culturally diverse? Where are the women of color in leadership positions?" They must make moves to include and help all women or get out of the way ~ remake or break, NOW!
