To: Bevin Redd Brewer, Eddie Brewer, and Gordon Redd

Remove American Indian Mascot from Local Business Logo

Be part of the change to stop Redd Pest Control from using an American Indian mascot, symbol, images, melodies, culture, dress, etc. Stop them from using the name "Redd" to refer to the skin of American Indians. This is not okay.

Why is this important?

"[Institutions] who "continue the use of Indian imagery and references…have simply failed to listen to the Native groups, religious leaders, and civil rights organizations that oppose these symbols…[T]he use of the imagery and traditions, no matter how popular, should end when they are offensive."
--United States Civil Rights Commission of 2001

"[The National Congress of American Indians] denounces the use of any American Indian name or Artifice associated with Indian mascots; and calls upon all reasonable individuals in decision making positions to voluntarily change racist and dehumanizing mascots."(Resolution MID-GB-93-58, June 1993)

I am attaching links to their website and to an old commercial. While I can't find the one they are currently running on TV, I can say that the newest one shows a white child dressed up in American Indian dress and singing a jingle with a traditional American Indian melody.

Be part of the change to end the racism this business continues to perpetuate.