To: Ann Weaver Hart, University of Arizona President

Remove Brother Dean from the University of Arizona

STOP the HATE,STOP the MISOGYNY, and STOP the PERSECUTION of HOMOSEXUALS on OUR campus . Lets get rid of Brother Dean!

Why is this important?

Brother Dean is a menace to University of Arizona campus. Hopefully this petition can reveal the student body opinion on the question on every ones mind. Should Brother Dean be allowed on the University of Arizona property? As a senior graduating from the U of A it saddens me to think that future generations of Wildcats may have to endure his messages of hate. He does not exercise the right to free speech he abuses it, spewing out messages of how women deserve rape, or gays deserve hell. Brother Dean does not bring any benefits to the school nor does he contribute to building of a positive environment for development and higher learning. He should be brought up on disciplinary charges for his blatant disregard for the University's own code of conduct. To site statute 21, " Engaging in discriminatory activities, including harassment and retaliation, as prohibited by applicable law or university policy. " He violates this rule every time he takes to the mall to speak. I know that I am fed up with his behavior and would like to see a campus free of Brother Dean. To be clear my message is not speaking to infringe upon his right to speech or freedom of religious practices. I am only saying that what he is doing has no place on a college campus.
