To: President Donald Trump, The Hawaii State House, The Hawaii State Senate, Governor David Ige, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Remove Cannabis from Schedule One Status and legalize it nationwide

Its imperative after Dr. San Jay Guptas eloquent piece on CNN about Cannabis that we remove this awesome medicine from Schedule one status and something which is of no medical use to take it to total and complete legalization as a medicine for the masses immediately and we cannot wait its up to the President of the United States to stand up and say YES to CANNABIS now as a legalized medicine

Why is this important?

We need more Doctors to stan dup like Dr. San Jay Gupta and remove cannabis from the Federal Governments Schedule One status and make Cannabis legal throughout the United States as the LAW OF THE land since it was legal for at least 10,000 years before and was used even in ancient history on the carvings from the ancient pyramids cannabis plants were held in hand with the Pharoahs as legal medicine....
