To: Des Hague, CEO

Remove Centerplate CEO Des Hague

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Boycott the food at Levi's stadium until Des Hague is fired!

Why is this important?

Desmond Hague, the CEO of stadium food services company Centerplate, was recently seen on video kicking a friends dog repeatedly and holding the dog off the ground by its leash.
Centerplate has the food concessions at multiple sports venues across the US and Canada, including Levi's Stadium (Forty Niners) and AT&T Park (Giants).
Animal abuse is inexcusable and reprehensible. Although Jed York released a statement condemning Hagues actions, we believe it doesn't go far enough.
We request the Forty Niners demand that Centerplate remove Hague as CEO or be considered in breach of their contract with the Stadium and the Team, for bringing negative attention of the worst sort to teams using this company. If the Team cannot take direct action against Centerplate, we --the fans -- will boycott Stadium food services, until Centerplate replaces this abuser with another CEO and fires Desmond Hague.