To: Dr. Mark A. Emmert, President of the NCAA, JEFF LONG, CHAIR, Vice Chancellor And Director Of Athletics, University Of Arkansas-Fayetteville

Remove Condoleeza Rice from the NCAA playoff selection football committee

The signers of this petition request, as both informed citizens and college football fans, that Condoleeza Rice be removed forthwith from the NCAA playoff selection football committee for the following reasons: As National Security Advisor, she was one of the primary Bush Administration officials that deliberately misled this country into a war with Iraq based on cherry-picked and politicized intelligence, contradictory intelligence sold with absolute certainty, flagrant dishonesty about the threat Saddam posed to our country using images of mushroom clouds to imply Saddam had nuclear weapons' capabilities and/or was close to that and would use those weapons to target the U.S. She falsely equated Iraq with al Qaeda and 9/11 so many Americans would believe Saddam's regime was responsible for that atrocity. It was her involvement in a calculated and orchestrated drumbeat of false information and public pronouncements that ultimately misled the American people, members of Congress, and this nation's allies into an unnecessary, costly, and deadly war that killed as many as 1,000,000 Iraqis by more recent estimates, almost 4,500 U.S. servicemen, and women, and caused an additional 2.5 million Iraqis to become displaced from their homes at a cost to American taxpayers of as much as $3 trillion dollars.

Why is this important?

Since our government lacks the required morality and integrity to take these war criminals out of circulation within the confines of a civilized society that operates under the rule of law and hold them accountable for their crimes, we the undersigned feel it is our civic duty to do so.
