Due to our nation's critical economic situation of many job layoffs, downsizing etc. many homeowners are facing evictions and foreclosures exasperated due to the unethical practices of mortgage lending institutions. The nonprofit and civic organizations designed to assist by accepting and completing applications for mortgage assistance.. Many such organizations are CFPB referred and are financed by memberships or government taxes are hesitant help homeowners because their established relationships appears to interfere with under writings of existing programs by the banks and corporation. Please sign this petition for an investigation of these slow moving organizations.
Why is this important?
Gatekeepers are individuals that block or delay individual or groups efforts to bring forth positive ideas or action steps to stop mortgage lenders (banks or financial institutions) from skirting laws of records from enforcement to keep their job. by pigeon holding applications or "claims of being overwhelmed by the workload!" Or worst petty personality clashes of people evicted from their homes of masny yesrs.