To: President Donald Trump, The South Carolina State House, The South Carolina State Senate, Governor Henry McMaster, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Remove James B. Gosnell from the South Carolina bench.

Mr. Gosnell is not fit to be a member of the South Carolina bench or any other state judiciary.

Why is this important?

Mr. Gosnell presided over the bail hearing for the beast accused of murdering nine people in Charlotte, SC on Friday June 19, 2015.

At the hearing, he shocked the entire civilized world when he referred to the parents of the accused, who confessed to carrying out the dastardly act, as a "victim", thereby further aggravating the injury to the families of the dead and injured victims.

Mr Gosnell has antecedent history of racial prejudice in the not too distant past when he told a Black man appearing before him that there are four types of people : Blacks, Whites, Red Necks and N*****s.

He was consequently suspended from the South Carolina judiciary for awhile.

By today's action, Mr. Gosnell has shown that he is unfit to continue to serve in any capacity where he will decide the fate of anyone who belongs to a racial group other than his own.