To: The United States House of Representatives

Remove John Boehner as Speaker of the House

John Boehner has demonstrated over and over again through his inconsistent statements and actions, as well as his obvious intoxicated state, that he has a serious substance abuse problem which needs to be addressed. He is not fit to handle his current responsibilties as Speaker. If anything should happen to Obama and Biden, Boehner would be become President. I believe he is unfit to assume that office and handle the overwhelming scope of responsiblities with a clear head, and to make decisions based in sober reality rather than soused with alcohol.

Why is this important?

In watching Speaker Boehner over the last four years, I have become increasingly alarmed by his obvious alcohol problem. Although it is referred to by many TV (Joe Scarborough) and radio personalities offhandedly, we should all be concerned that he is not only unfit to handle his current responsibilities, but he would be absolutely incapable of assuming presidential responsibilities.
