To: Judge Derek Johnson, Superior Court Judge
Remove Judge for Rape Comments
We ask that Superior Court Judge Derek Johnson from Santa Ana California be removed from the bench for admonishing a rape victim in court for "not putting up a fight," and telling the victim that if someone doesn't want sexual intercourse, the body "will not allow that to happen." We're also very concerned that the rapist was given less than half the sentence the prosecutor requested, especially in light of the fact that the rapist threatened to mutilate the face and genitals of the victim. If judges can't keep people like that off the street for the longest time possible, we don't want them on the bench.
Why is this important?
Santa Ana, CA Judge Derek Johnson admonished a rape victim in court for "not putting up a fight" and said, if someone doesn't want sexual intercourse, the body "will not permit that to happen." People with these types of beliefs shouldn't be deciding cases of sexual violence.