To: Jeanine Howard, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott
Remove Judge Jeanine Howard From The Bench
Judge Jeanine Howard has given a convicted rapist 45 days in jail and community service at a rape crisis center. That is a shameful sentence for a convicted rapist and sends the wrong message to sexual assault survivors. She needs to be removed from the bench.
Why is this important?
Jeanine Howard has just told every rape survivor, don't report your rape. She needs to be removed from the bench. She sentenced a rapist found guilty in a Texas court of law and who PLEAD GUILTY to raping a 14 year old girl to 45 days in jail and community service in a rape crisis center. Community service in a rape crisis center for a rapist is not justice and sends the wrong message to all survivors everywhere. Please sign this petition and share it with everyone you know. We need to have Judge Jeanine Howard removed from the bench. The chances of a rapist actually ending up in court and found guilty of rape is dismal. Then to give a convicted rapist access to more already victimized women, as a term of his conviction, is unconscionable. Because, especially if you've had multiple sex partners and an abortion, you pretty much gave consent with your past sexual behavior and you will not get justice. This is an incredibly important issue to address right this minute. Thank you.