To: Randy Stoker, Idaho Judge and Lawrence Wasden, Idaho Attorney General

Remove Judge Randy Stoker from the bench

"A 19-year-old white man accused of kicking a coat hanger up the rectum of a mentally disabled black teammate received no jail time at his sentencing on Friday.

Why is this important?

NPR tells the bone chilling story like this ........ "A 19-year-old white man accused of kicking a coat hanger up the rectum of a mentally disabled black teammate received no jail time at his sentencing on Friday.
Former high school football player John R. K. Howard entered a so-called "Alford plea," meaning he maintains his innocence while admitting a judge or jury would likely find him guilty. He was sentenced to probation and community service, and his conviction might be entirely dismissed at a later date."
How is this even possible in 2017??? We have got to send a message to Judge Randy Stoker. Howard originally pleaded guilty to felony injury of a child and the original charge was sexual assault so how does this happen? The victim told the court that Howard sang a KKK song about lynching and taunted him about fried chicken and used other racial slurs. Two other teammates of Howard's also participated in this brutal attack and were not even charged. Now what do you think would happen if the races were reversed in this case? This is modern day slavery/Jim Crow behavior. We need Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden investigated for allowing this monster to walk on a case like this. He had the nerve to say "he hopes now the victim's parents can find some closure and peace with the sentencing." What???? We also want this unfit judge off of the bench for allowing this insanity to occur! Remove Judge Randy Stoker immediately before someone else's child is harmed by a predator he let back out on the street!