To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Remove Mark Hulsey from the Bench for Judicial Misconduct and abuse of power

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Liberty and justice for all, not just those you align with. A single wrongly convicted human among millions of rightfully convicted humans is still not acceptable collateral damage, nor is an extraordinarily harsh sentence,

Why is this important?

I was a witness to this Judge's misconduct, deception and prejudice in courtroom 508, Duval County Florida. He's under investigation that has been dragging on too long. The sheer number and scope of the charges ( 14 and likely to grow in numbers. From stating to a staff attorney that black people should get back on a boat and go back to Africa, to calling a female member of his staff a b****and a c***, and having staff perform his personal duties for him.)
against him make him unfit to be a Judge making decisions that affect people's very lives. Before time causes the people forget, the people must act. Every case he presided over other than those of white heterosexual males,should be retried before an unbiased Judge regardless of the expense to the state. This means Gay men and women. transexuals, Hispanics and African Citizens, as racism more often than not goes hand in hand with bigotry towards all people who do not fit one's image of themselves. This investigation into Mark Hulsey must not slip under the radar nor be forgotten! Everyone deserves a fair trial and I myself witnessed his bigotry and abuse of the system for personal gain, later proven through investigation. He must not be allowed to slip through the cracks!
