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To: Sen. Mitch McConnell (KY-1)

Remove McConnell as Senate Majority Leader

Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is refusing to fulfill his duties as Senate Majority Leader by denying a vote to end the government shutdown. The bill - identical to the bill that was unanimously passed in the Senate before Christmas - has already passed the House and McConnell’s own personal viewpoint is now standing in the way of government getting back on track. The Senate can remove him as Majority Leader with a 2/3 vote, but our senators need to hear from us.

Why is this important?

This government shutdown is entering its third week, and the employees who have been furloughed or working without pay since Christmas are suffering. Nevermind that this is about a nonessential “wall” or a “fence” or a “beaded curtain” that President Trump and the GOP claim will curtail illegal immigration (which it won’t, we live in the 21st century, a wall is not going to stop anyone that really wants to get through). Nevermind that this shutdown is affecting Homeland Security, including the TSA, which means our main points of entry are not properly secured and maintained (these entrypoints are where the majority of stops and arrests happen, because there are more modes of transportation than walking up to a border). Nevermind that this “wall of steel slats that is concrete but see-through” is now being described as a metaphor, and not some physical, actual, unnecessary wall (in which case, why do they need approx. 7 billion dollars?). This isn’t some “all or nothing” deal - the border security already in place is budgeted for; the democratic congressmen (and, hopefully, many republican congressmen as well) want to fund DHS and implement newer, more advanced security and have proposed funding for much-needed updates. This is not about border security or protecting the American citizens or some us-vs-them fight; this is about a supposed-leader who lets a few people on a “news” channel tell him what to do, and another man who is willing to sacrifice the stability of this country and the people within it in order to stay on the “good side” of the President. In summary, these men are weak and cowardly. Getting McConnell out of the way is the first step in getting this country back on track.



2020-12-29 18:27:38 -0500

100 signatures reached

2020-11-08 20:18:40 -0500

50 signatures reached

2020-09-10 20:18:47 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-02-20 07:40:38 -0500

10 signatures reached