To: Boy Scouts of America
Remove NRA influence from the Boy Scouts of America
For many years, the Boy Scouts Of America have relied on NRA training modules to train Scouts in shooting sports. While they don't endorse the NRA explicitly, use of NRA branded programs with youth results in a passive endorsement of the NRA brand. When these programs were instituted the NRA was a gun-safety organization rather than a lobbying arm for the firearms industry as it has become. I would like the BSA to disassociate from NRA-endorsed programs for firearm safety program that are not developed by this organization which actively works to halt all reasonable gun control legislation.
Why is this important?
Increasingly, the values of Scouting and the NRA are contradictory. The BSA should withdraw their association with this political advocacy organization which runs counter to the values of many of the families which engage in Scouting.