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To: School boards


Rocky Hanna should not be the Superintendent of any school in the USA. multiple times we have been at safety risk because of the weather, hurricanes, thunderstorm AND NOW TORNADOES and Rocky Hanna never canceled school. He puts children at risk by keeping school open in life threatening situations like today 05/10/24. We had multiple tornados. Children were trapped on buses! Rocky Hanna managed to make a call and tell administrators to stay home but he allowed teaches and students to continue to go out. he’s done this multiple times and the children and parents of Tallahassee do not need this kind of person as a superintendent of our schools! He doesn’t care about the risk, he doesn’t care about separating children from their families when horrible things like today happened. I am tired of Rocky Hanna and his lack of empathy! This man will do anything to keep a child away from home when they need to be with family the most … today was a horrible day. It took Rocky Hanna 3 HOURS to cancel school and children had to sit in the dark .. please get this man out of the office!

Why is this important?

Rocky Hanna lacks the mindset to know what's right for children .



2024-05-11 08:02:31 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-05-10 15:46:25 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-05-10 10:55:14 -0400

10 signatures reached