To: WBAC 1340 AM (East Tennessee Radio Group Iii,)

Remove Rush Limbaugh from local airwaves

Help join with me to remove from the air, the vitriolic and hate-filled speech that frequently is expressed through Rush Limbaugh's shows. His use of language is highly derogatory in nature and is frequently used to lambast those who are just participants in the political system. People like Sandra Fluke, for example, do not deserve to be called sluts or prostitutes just for voicing support or criticism for their political ideologies. The fact that Rush has this nerve shows that he is no more than a shock jock and has no empathy and absolutely no decency when it comes with his highly opinionated and venomous opinions.

Why is this important?

My petition is an act against the vitiolic and hateful messages that Rush Limbaugh frequently states while on the air. While freedom of speech is very important to me, there is also no place in the political discourse for such venomnous words. His messages filled with fury and rants contribute nothing to discourse and at their very worst, are hurtful, hate-filled, and vile. Now for a disclaimer, I am not a member of the Deomcratic Party, nor am I registered as a Republican, but as a student who is very well atuned to our political process and as one who participates heavily in the discoure, this type of speech only makes the process appear more callous and at the very worst, can turn people away from participation. I implore you on the behalf of desency and respect to those of all political beliefs and opinions, to remove Rush Limbaugh's incorrigable statements from our airwaves. The words he has spoken against the likes of Sandra Fluke and serval others who are in disagreement, are both highly inappropriate and incredibly unacceptable to be a part of this necessary discource.
