To: Jim Walton, President of CNN Worldwide

Remove "secret-Republican operative" Erin Burnett from CNN

Erin Burnett, seemingly a secret "Republican operative," has repeatedly demonstrated a biased agenda, often co-opting Republican talking points, and apparently using her show to audition for a Fox news hosting slot. She's acknowledged lies by right-wing candidates and proceeded to embrace them. She now stars in an RNC attack ad against Democrats. We still hold out hope that CNN can remain a neutral news organization, yet Erin Burnett is demolishing that brand image. We insist that CNN fire Erin Burnett and hire an informative reporter willing to keep his or her political biases to themselves.

Why is this important?

We rely on CNN for unbiased reporting in an environment where a good chunk of Americans are influenced by faux-news organizations such as Fox News. Erin Burnett was hired among a group of other extreme right-wingers by Ken Jautz, the promoter who gave ubernut Glenn Beck his first TV show and who has caused CNN's ratings to suffer as more and more get sick of the biased reporting. Erin Burnett seems to be auditioning for Fox News and has been notoriously biased in her coverage in a way that damages CNN's reputation of being fair. Her quotes are now featured in RNC attack ads against Democrats. She acknowledged that Vice Presidential candidate Ryan's speech was full of lies, but proceeded to praise him as "precise, clear and passionate." ( She repeatedly argued that Romney's "charity" giving should be considered equivalent to a tax payment in calculating his rate. She attacked "Occupy Wall Street" protestors in a malicious manner. As Cenk of "Young Turks" noted, "There isn't a Republican talking point that Erin Burnett didn't want to make out with."