To: Mr. Zinke, Secretary of Interior
Remove Secretary of Interior Zinke
The Secretary of the Interior, appointed by President Trump has a war going on in America presently. He is causing the extinction of animals and is also destroying our environment with the help of Mr. Pruitt, another appointee by President Trump. Our National Wildlife Refuges which have always been protected areas for animals, are being eliminated from all protections. Yellowstone National park which contains bears and wolves among other animals necessary for biological diversity, plus for tourists to photograph or view, is now open to aerial trophy hunting and killing of animals while in their dens. The babies are also fair game. Leg iron traps and snares are also allowed in National Wildlife Refuges, etc. This has to stop immediately. Everyone should be concerned over this travesty, currently implemented by Secretary Zinke. Stop worrying about historical monuments of our country's history, that can be taken down at any time, and help stop the murder of innocent animals in previous protected areas or they will become extinct.
Why is this important?
What is occurring presently to animals who live in our National Wildlife Refuges and National Parks, in shocking and horrific. This has to be stopped at once. American citizens need to be informed and wake up to what is happening, to our environment and to American wildlife.