To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Remove Tax Exemptions for Churches that Promote Hate Speech

Modify the current tax laws to include provisions for revocation of tax exempt status for any church whose officials promote hate speech. Apply the provisions to the individual church and to the parent religious organization.

Why is this important?

The recent remarks by Pastors Roger Jimenez of the Verity Baptist Church of Sacramento California and Stephen Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church of Tempe Arizona in support of the killing of LGBT's in the wake of the Orlando shootings are both hate speech and incitement. No individual church that supports such positions nor any umbrella organization that tolerates such views should receive any aid - either direct or indirect - from any branch of government. To continue to provide tax exemptions to such organizations is to indirectly subsidize them via our tax dollars when instead we need to condemn and oppose such support.