To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Remove the Cap on Social Security Taxes

We are asking you to remove the cap on Social Security Taxes.

Most of us pay 4.2% for Social Security Taxes but they are capped at the first $110,100 of wages ($4,624 maximum).

If a CEO, as recently reported, earns $9,600,000 a year, but still only pays $4,624 - is that fair?

If the CEO paid 4.2% like the rest of us it would be $403,200.
That means, because of the cap, Social Security needs to replace $403,200 - $4,624 or $401,450 to cover what was not paid by this one person.

Remove the cap for fairness sake.
(The 4.2% rate may actually go down for the rest of us too.)

Why is this important?

Here is some additional logic related to calculating these taxes -
The Rich Guy Discount

To replace the $9,600,000 annual CEO Salary it would take roughly 227 average people.
