To: The Louisiana State House, The Louisiana State Senate, and Governor John Bel Edwards
Remove The Confederate Flag From Louisiana License Plates
The Confederate flag is not the way to honor Southern heritage, but rather a shameful and hurtful reminder of rebellion and racism. On the heels of the brutal killing of nine Black people in a South Carolina church by a racist terrorist, and the recent ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court giving states the right to say "NO" to Confederate flag license plates, it's time to stop issuing Louisiana license plates with the Confederate flag and move toward healing and a better United States of America!
Why is this important?
"GOODWILL is the monarch of this house. Men, unacquainted, enter, shake hands, exchange greetings, and depart friends. Cordiality exists among all who abide within." That quote is from an Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., poem, "House of Alpha." South Carolina State Senator Clementa Pinckney was also a member of Alpha Phi Alpha. This petition is in honor of him and the other eight souls lost due to racism, so that we can heal America's racial divide that has left us all so unacquainted.