To: Christopher Murphy (SC-98) and Sean M. Bennett (SC-38)

Remove the Confederate Flag From the South Carolina State House Grounds

We the citizens of South Carolina demand the white supremacist confederate flag be removed from the Statehouse grounds. It is an embarrassment that this flag and its outdated and erroneous ideals still looms over the citizens of South Carolina. It is time to make right a grievous wrong toward the people of color in South Carolina who have suffered greatly and have dearly paid even to death for the rights and freedoms that many of us take for granted. It is time to end racism in South Carolina beginning at the Statehouse as an example for others to follow that the Confederacy is dead and that racism will no longer be tolerated or promoted in the State of South Carolina.

Why is this important?

I am saddened by the recent deaths of 9 citizens in the city of Charleston, South Carolina due to the racial hatred of one individual who proudly displayed his shameful hatred and white supremacist attitude by sporting the confederate flag on his automobile.