To: President Donald Trump, The Virginia State House, The Virginia State Senate, Governor Ralph Northam, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Remove the Confederate Flag from ALL State and/or Federal Government Property

Symbols of hate and division have no place in our government. This symbol is provocative, inflammatory and terroristic in nature. This symbol does NOT represent American Veterans - this is a symbol of hate and treason. It is time to stand up for what's right and take down the Confederate Flag!

Why is this important?

Many have received death threats for voicing their opposition against this symbol of hate, myself included. We will not be terrorized by these people; we stand united as one.

Our country has only ONE flag - the AMERICAN FLAG, for which millions have fought and died for - our American Veterans.

End the terrorism in our country that this confederate symbol instigates. The time has come to take a firm stand. We have only ONE flag - stand up for the American Flag and those who have fought for it.