To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Remove the Department of State's Discriminatory Passport Policies

We have the right to free speech, so that does not mean a person can force us to lie about ourselves. Help us to support people with nonbinary and genderqueer identities by signing against the Department of State's oppressive passport policies!

Why is this important?

Currently, the U.S. Department of State will only allow people who are female or male to travel out of the United States by restricting documents such as passports to two options: male and female. This is a horrifying and completely violates the Fourteenth Amendment, as it prevents nonbinary and intersex people from simply vacationing. Worse, it prevents nonbinary people from even seeking asylum in the few countries which will take them. This is completely absurd and unacceptable. If the U.S. does not want nonbinary people, it should at least allow them to leave, not imprison them and slowly watch them suffer. That is also a violation of the eighth amendment.
